Acts as an international advisory board who review key proposals, assess center’s performance,and advise the center on e­ffective, and measurable, approaches for attracting global Research and Development investments.

Prof. Luke Moore

Luke is an Infectious Diseases Physician and Clinical Microbiologist in London with special interests in critical care infections, antimicrobial resistance, and healthcare systems. He holds a PhD in this field, two Masters degrees in Public Health and in Clinical Microbiology, and is Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists and Member of the Royal College of Physicians. He is an honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London, with current a research focus on the epidemiology of and interventions for outbreak control and antimicrobial stewardship. Luke provides undergraduate and post graduate education across a range of degree courses, is an examiner for the Royal College of Pathologists, and is Training Lead for infectious diseases, microbiology, and virology in West London. He is an associate editor for two journals and is a trustee for the UK Healthcare Infection Society.

Prof.Paul Cornes

Steering group member for the European school of Oncology working party on the access to innovation in cancer treatment. Faculty for the annual ECCO meeting and ESMO-Barcelona – speaking on innovation and value based medicine.
Prof Cornes was part of the team that developed and presented evidence to the Oncology advisory drugs committee of the FDA for the first successfully approved US biosimilar. He is faculty for the CME program of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists for 2016, 2017 & 2018.  He is also a core lecturer for the European School of Oncology.

Prof. Andrew Protheroe

Professor Andrew Protheroe is an Associate Professor of Medical Oncologist within the University of Oxford Department of Oncology at the Oxford Cancer and Hematology Centre. He has specialized in Urological Oncology at Oxford since 2001.  He qualified from St Thomas’s Hospital in London and after general medical training in London, trained in Oncology at St James’s University Hospital in Leeds.  His PhD was in tumor immunology (immune reconstitution following high dose chemotherapy) and the research was at Leeds and at the National Cancer Institute in Amsterdam.

Assoc. Prof.Dr. Anuar Shah Bali Mahomed

Dr. Anuar is an Associate Professor at the School of Business and Economics, University Putra Malaysia. He is a well-trained with vast experience and excellent knowledge in the areas of management, culture and information systems.
His Ph.D. is in Management and Information Systems (MIS) at the Victoria University Melbourne, Australia.
He was awarded four (4) grants namely Putra Grant and International Grant as the main researcher.
While as a co-researcher, he received Ministry of Higher Education Grant to study on awareness and customer satisfaction on the UBER services in Malaysia and Putra Grant titled Assessing the Social-Cultural Factors and Indicators in Langkawi and its Impact on the Malaysians National GDP.
His research interest encompasses areas such as technology management, information communication technologies (ICT) and the role of culture on technology adoption.
He has served on several committees at both university and national level. He has been appointed as Advisory Board in International Journal of Economics and Organizational Sciences (IJEOS) and International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Practices (IJEMP).
He is currently an editor (member of the editorial board) for ASIA Journal of Management (AJM).

Prof. László Gulácsi MD

László Gulácsi works as an acting Vice Rector for Research, and a professor at Health Economics Research Centre, University Research and Innovation Center, Óbuda University of Budapest, Hungary. He also works as a professor at Advanced Study Center, Corvinus University of Budapest. He is a member of the Standing Committee of Pharmacy, Hungarian Academy of Science.
He is a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Health Economics (EJHE), the Value in Health Regional Issues (ViHRI) Editorial Advisory Board, the Editorial Board of the Hungarian Medical Journal, and the Society and Economy, Health Academy, University of Pécs, Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal, Associate Editorial and peer reviewer of Dove Medical press journals.

He is the past President of the Health and Health Care Economics Section of the Hungarian Economics Association.

To date he (co)authored 358 scientific articles in peer reviewed journals, published 12 books, 66 book chapters on health economics, public health, health technology assessment, health policy and quality improvement.

Prof. Steven Krauss

Steven Krauss, PhD, is a Professor with the Dept. of Professional Development and Continuing Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, and a Research Associate with the Institute for Social Science Studies (IPSAS).

His teaching and scholarship centre around youth development, human resource development and qualitative research methods. His current research and scholarship focus on the role of youth-adult partnerships within the field of youth development and education.

His work has been published widely in both local and international academic journals, books and book chapters.

Prof. Sylvain Choquet

President of hematology college of ” ile de France”. Hematologist, PH in “Pitié-SalpetrièreHaospital”, APHP, Sorbonne Université. President of Hospital life committee.
Vice-President of the Establishment Medical Committee.

Le Dr Sylvain Choquet est hématologue à la Pitié-Salpêtrière en hématologie clinique.
Normalien, le Dr Choquet est un spécialiste de renommée internationale dans le domaine des lymphoproliférations post transplantation, il est également spécialiste des lymphomes du patient porteur du VIH et des lymphomes du système nerveux central.
Le Dr Choquet dirige le registre national des hémopathies lymphoïdes familiales.

Sociétés savantes
Le Dr Choquet est :

  • Président de la collégiale d’hématologie clinique de l’île-de-France ;
  • expert auprès de l’HAS et de l’ANSM ;
  • et pour l’Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris.



Dr Elena Pizzo BSc, Ph.D.

Senior Health Economist, Department of Applied Health Research, University College London, UK Elena Pizzo is a Senior Health Economist in the Department of Applied Health Research, at University College London, England. She is Deputy Lead of the Health Economics and Data Theme of the NIHR ARC North Thames and Health Economist of the ARC Research Partnership Team.
She is expert advisor for the Surgical Intervention Trial Unit at UCL and for the Connect4Children pan-European Network for European Clinical Trials for Children. She is currently expert health economist for the NIHR HTA CET funding committee.
Prior to UCL she was a Research Associate at the Imperial College Business School in London. Elena is particularly interested in economic evaluation of health technologies and interventions, clinical decision analysis and HTA. She is currently Co-investigator lead Health Economist in at least 12 NIHR awarded research projects in the main areas of cancer (peritoneal, pancreatic, prostatic, renal, penile and breast cancer), mental health and alcohol addiction, and diabetes.
 Elena is a Member of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA), the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), the Health Economists’ Study Group (HESG) and the Italian Association of Health Economics (AIES).
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