Proposed Functions

Proposed Functions

  •  Healthcare Division aims to be the  Research& Development, Innovation and Evidence-based Medicine regional hub for achieving the above objectives in collaboration with international bodies, world-leading universities and healthcare institutions.
  • Partnership with Global pharmaceuticals and key international healthcare centers in Research and Development.
  • Focus on major healthcare problems in the MENA region  with projects designed to save life and resources.
  • Application of principles of health economics to ensure measurable and effective utilization of resources.
  • Contribution to the economy of the MENA region through global investments in Research and Development.
  • Onsite and online training and consultancy.
  • Diplomas and projects sponsored by governments , NGOs, the private sector and international donors in collaboration with local and international universities
  • Conduct disease control and prevention projects in the Middle East for governments and healthcare organizations. Funding to be provided from governments or regional bodies.
  • Local and regional experts will be hired if needed and on a per-project basis.
  • Scientific meetings will be conducted annually in Jordan and the MENA region according to relevant needs.
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